About Us
Together for Development-Birashoboka (TD-Birashoboka in acronym) is a non-profit organization, founded by Ephraim Ngendakuriyo and his wife Lyduine Mbonicizanye in April 2020. It was registered in May 2020 under Ministerial Order number 530/791 of May 12, 2020 with the mission of raising awareness and training the entire population to develop creativity and innovation for an integral transformation of communities. TD-BIRASHOBOKA has a global objective to focus on family-based local development to help women and other vulnerable people to work in groups for their financial empowerment through various professions and to discover in a tangible way the Love of God, Love and Obey Him. The TD-Birashoboka organization believes in the benefits of education, games, sport, lasting peace and reconciliation, health promotion and environmental protection.
The concern of the founders of this organization is to come to the aid of vulnerable people in any way possible to improve their everyday lives. TD-Birashoboka wants to sensitize and mobilize several people, both physical and moral, to work in synergy to save the lives of children, girls and women in vulnerable situations.

What we offer
Together for Development provides an injection of hope when all hope has gone. We provide training so that vulnerable people can develop a skill to earn a living and we share the love of God with them so that they realize they are precious and loved, even though their lives have been incredibly tough.
Together for Development believes in teaching beneficiaries to love, obey and know God in order to bring all generations together so they can develop their communities and know life in all its fullness.
Our projects include
Sewing training schools: offering a six-months or three months program. At the end of the course, Together for Development helps the graduates to get together in groups to start a small sewing cooperative.
Reaching prostitutes: Based in the south of the country, this project provides a way out for the many women here caught up in prostitution.
HIV AIDS project: offering training and support for men and women so that they can look after themselves and care for their families. Together for Development helps the sufferers to create a loan cooperative and provides a shared piece of land for growing vegetables to sell, to provide an income.
Football matches: reach children and young people, helping them enjoy the sport, develop their talent and learn positive Christian values.
Working with single mothers.
Fight Against Human Trafficking
Women Shining Center